> I've been reading these messages through the day... And without meaning to
> offend anyone on the list... Is America really that bad???  You guys make
> sound like everyone's on the verge of boiling over into walking, raging,
> vendetta stalking Charlie Bronson's!!  :^)

America is just _SO_ bad that people swim through water foaming with human
feces and industrial chemicals by the dozens every day just to get in.
There is a booming market in illegal IDs so you can stay once you get here,
and entire cottage industries have sprung up to help immigrants get work
visas.  And, if that isn't enough, many woman hate this country _SO_ much
that they are willing to prostitute themselves for four years straight as
payment for passage to come here.

And now for the count of Americans trying desperately to get out...

hold on...

just a little bit longer...

be patient...

Oh hell, they're just not showing themselves today!  Tell you what: I'll
keep a look out, and let you know the minute one shows up, okay?

> One question that springs to mind is... Why don't you just walk/drive

Because that's what's called "being a pussy."  Being a pussy is bad,

> If you ignore it, then maybe the other person will just get bored and get
> with their life.

Oh Sweet Holy Jesus!  Where did you say you lived?  I gotta see this place!

> Do you have to thump/shoot someone to 'prove yourself a
> man'?  I was always brought up to believe that you were more of a man if
> could walk away from a fight.  What's the point of all the aggression,
> where does it get you?   Shot?  Beaten beyond recognition... DEAD?

There are things much, much worst than death, my friend.  Or don't they
teach that where you live?  If you haven't had the benefit of such an
education, then here's the cheat sheet:

1) cowardice, and
2) dishonor, which typically follows on cowardice's coattails.

> It appears that tempers seem to be simmering wherever you turn nowadays...
> And you'll get punched, or shot, for just looking the wrong way at the
> moment.
> Buying a gun 'because everyone else has one' is bringing yourself down to
> that level.

Who the hell does that?  I've never heard of such a preposterous thing in my
life!  You buy a gun for self defense, regardless of anything else.

> Retaliating with fists is just the same.

No, it isn't.  Guns are infinitely less violent than fists.  Someone tries
to start something, they see your holstered gun, they most often back off
without anyone getting so much as a scratch.  They don't see a gun, you're a
target.  Doesn't always work, but it works often enough.

> Maybe it's because I don't live in a society where everyone you know has a
> gun hidden in the house.  Yeah, we have crime, yes we have Road Rage, but
> no means on any level that is comparative to what we seem to here about
> US.   I can only assume that guns are so prolific in the US that there is
> just about nothing you can do to remove them from the street.
> I'm not trying to start a flame war, or offend anyway, so forgive me if I
> have.  I've just read a lot of comments on the mailing list today that
> to be pro-aggression, and pro-guns.  The more people that buy guns, the
> chance you ever have of getting rid of them from society, and what does
> teach our children?  Mum and Dad have guns, so it's ok for me too... And
> a result, in the next generation, there won't be a family without a gun...
> What a great future that leaves us and our children with!!

Indeed!  Visualize world handgun ownership!  Imagine a world where free men
and women may arm themselves and never again be afraid of a madman, or be
forced to become a slave to so-called "police protection" which, for the
benefit of those of you who never lived in a bad neighborhood, will NEVER
respond to your 911 call when there's a _LOT_ of crime going on.  Hear about
what happens every time the police are outnumbered?  They don't respond, or
they turn tail and run.  They're not going to risk their necks for you,
people.  Officer Friendly is not the superman you grew up thinking he was.
Hear about Seattle recently?  Do you really think they're going to be there
for you when all hell breaks loose?  Are you one of the ostriches that think
the "panic alarm" button on your home security system is going to bring
anything more than an "awwww sh**, another one!" and a forty-five minute
response time from the police dispatcher?

Better be in a position to defend yourself, because when the feces hits the
fan no one else will.
> I guess it's difficult to comprehend when you don't live in the US.  But
> then if it's that bad, why not get out?

Because... we're not... cowards?  There are some things worth fighting for,
and America definitely is one of them.

>The world is a big place, with a
> lot of areas with less violence than the US?

So the answer is to keep running away?  When the "fight or flight" decision
time comes, I'll fight.

By the way, you may not believe this because of the recent subject matter,
but I'm actually a very peaceful person who loves his wife, three children,
and six cats, and intends to live out the rest of his days neither harming
nor being harmed by anyone.  Sure, I'm passionate about self-defense and
all, but I'm really just a widdo wuv muffin! :)


Adam Phillip Churvis
Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
Productivity Enhancement, Inc.

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