> Adam,
> I've followed this with interest. Given what I learned in the
> schoolyard, dealing with bullies, I would be inclined to agree with much
> of what you say. However, our circumstances are very different these
> days, and one would be smart to be aware of it.
> Fistfights have an added level of danger that didn't exist 20 years ago.
> When you split someone's lip, if you also knick your knuckle on his
> tooth at the same time, you stand the chance of exchanging bodily fluids
> (blood) with someone you don't know. Do you really want to risk catching
> a fatal disease in momentary defense of honor?
> Just a thought.

An excellent point, sir, and one I didn't think about but should have.
Though I think the chance of contracting a bloodborne disease that way is
rather minimal.

Even more: these days it seems that people don't want to stop when the other
guy fails to get back up.  In my day the other guy just stayed down and it
was over.  The winner didn't even brag afterward.  And no matter who won,
the situation usually righted itself afterward.

I've been beaten only once in a fist fight.  HUGE football player, and I
challenged him for insulting me.  He beat me, stopped as soon as it was
apparent that I wasn't going to get up anymore, and that was that.  He
didn't brag, and he never disrespected me again.  Everything worked out
perfectly, the way it should have.  I'd buy him a beer today if I saw him


Adam Phillip Churvis
Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
Productivity Enhancement, Inc.

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