Uh oh!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Irvin Gomez"

> It's the most visible proponents' fault. Because they have created the
impression (in people not familiar with the concept of stylesheets) that CSS
is about NOT using tables for layout. And that's just plain wrong.

Them's fightin' words.

> CSS is about automating presentational tasks in webpages. That simple.

CSS is about abstracting the presentation from the content. Tables used for
layout goes against that. As proof I'll simply point out that you can't use
tables for a CSS layout of an XML document. XML being purely abstracted
content and CSS being purely presentation. (Makes me giddy!)

Now while I disagree with you about the goals of CSS, I'll admit that I
still resort to layout tables in X/HTML too. I have to because the authors
of CSS didn't give me the tools to do what I need otherwise.

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