There is simply no simple to do a full-height multi-column layout in CSS.
You ALWAYS have to rely on one or more hacks.

The reason there are so many tutorials out there is because it's so
difficult to pull off.  You either have to use floats (which tend to screw
up when you resize the browser or have very large display areas), faux
background images, absolute positioning just to get that right column over
or some other hack.  Even after all that you still end up with view port
problems or

They tend not to degrade well, almost all of them require 10 times more code
than a simple table layout and all of them have limitations (no borders,
fixed column sizes, etc)  Lastly even if you do get something working you
have viewport issues (since CSS defines parent containers only as the
visible portion in the viewport).

I know how to do this.  My point is simply that this should not be so
difficult or obtuse.

Jim Davis


From: Michael Haggerty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 3:07 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Damn CSS... Damn it to hell!

Jim -

There are plenty of tutorials on multi-column layouts using exclusively CSS,
you just have to look for them. The main thing is you always have to use a
float of one form or another, which means you need to specify the width of
the columns you are looking to present (%s are okay).

The real problem I have with CSS1, and the one I cannot solve, is vertical
alignment. the vertical-align property is not equivalent to valign in
regular HTML. There does not appear to be a way to simply tell a block level
element to line all things up at the bottom.
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