> I don't have access to that report. And don't think
> the details matter anyway.

Yeah, that's what the Bush administration said about the terrorism
report the first time they released it. But then it turned out that the
details (especially the one's they _left_out_) really do make a difference.

So you have no evidence to the contrary. please continue to imply that
he is not a loyal american then. By all means

> As for the passport, European countries are like the
> US states.

Okay, I'll bite. I suppose the nations of Europe are like US states when
looking at it from a proximity point-of-view.
Which we could do if it wasn't for the pesky language, cultural and
sovreignty issues. European nations are _nothing_ like US states, except
that they are close together. Not even considering the common currency
and constitution (sorry Jochem, just an observation) :-)

> In Europe it's usually only a couple of
> hours or less to another country so passports are
> common.

Perhaps also passports are common because they are also a means of
identification that is recognized no matter where you are in Europe.

> One can spend a lifetime traveling America.

I have tried to do just this.

> It's huge.

You're absolutely right.

> How many Europeans traveled
> outside Europe?

I know quite a few and like Jochem I find it difficult to count more
than a few that haven't

> So calling people stupid because they didn't make the
> effort to go to Europe is kind of elitist don't you
> think?

Elitist? No. I'd say that calling someone stupid is rude and insulting.
Moore is not always tactful.

Additionally I'd say that not making the effort is sad.



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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