There couldn’t have been a UN approval because France
promised to veto it. It’s funny how France is also the
country making the most from the oil-for-food scandal.
So you hate Bush so much for taking us to this war but
now Kerry said he would have done the same. The
difference being he would have had a better exit
strategy. We don’t know what it is but we know it
would’ve been better


--- "S. Isaac Dealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't remember ever hearing any mention of Kerry
> saying that he
> opposed the war completely... granted, just because
> I hadn't heard it
> doesn't mean he didn't say it... but I've only ever
> heard that (iirc)
> he felt the intelligence needed to be better and
> that if we did go to
> war it needed to be handled differently (I assume he
> meant following a
> UN approval). Or words to similar effect.
> s. isaac dealey   954.927.5117
> new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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