I think there is an issue here somewhere ;-).

What should U.S. policy be toward the use of fossil fuels v. other means of power generation? Specifically, what position should the U.S. take on gas-powered vehicles v. LNG (liquid natural gas) v. hybrid electric v. pure electric v. fuel cells? Should the government leave the outcome up to the market or encourage development in a particular direction?

What about nuclear power generation? Should the governemnt allow the construction of new nuclear plants? Are there other viable alternatives?

>--- Andy Ousterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>How do we balance short term economic interest of our
>>wilderness areas against the value of long-term
>>preservation?  What is that value?
>Bush allows roads to be cut into national forests and
>they claim he caved to the loggers.
>Meanwhile large chunks of the West burn every year
>because there's no way to get in and clear out dead
>trees and create fire lines. What's the answer?
>I hear wildlife in Anwar would benefit from drilling
>but environmentalists claim the opposite.
>How about the fact that we can't build oil refineries
>because of environmental impact but everyone driving
>there SUVs complain when gas prices go up.
>Speaking of SUVs, how about we classify them as cars
>and make everyone pay the sin tax? That will hurt a
>lot of car manufacturers because they don't make money
>on the smaller cars. One good thing is if they are
>classified as cars they can't use the parkways on Long
>Island and traffic would be so pleasant :)
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