Quite simply, my point is this:

FACT: George Bush's central reason for going to war in Iraq was that Iraq had 
large stockpiles of Weapons of Mass Destruction which
were a clear and present danger to the United States, and indeed to the world.

FACT: Countries around the world, UN Weapons Inspectors, several Analysts, And 
members of various US Administrations stated that
Iraq might not have WMD,and is probably not as immediate a threat as the US is 
making it out to be.That more time should be taken
investigating the Evidence and allowing the UN Weapons Inspectors to make a 
better determination of what really existed on the
ground in Iraq.

FACT: George Bush now says that as the evidence stands, Pre-War Iraq did NOT 
have WMD and that the Intelligence process appears to
have been flawed and America must now determine what went wrong with the 
Intelligence gathering.

CONCLUSION: America went to war in Iraq based on flawed Intelligence. George 
Bush erroneously took the United States into war, his
central reason for going to war with Iraq was false.

How about responding to that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You seem to think the war on terror means al Qaeda. It doesn't. It's a war 
against extremists that want to destroy us. Al Qaeda is
the highest profile terrorist organization right now but there are many more.


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