ok wait a minute. I asked for a show of hands on anyone else who had
ever had a child in an inner city school, lived in a black
neighborhood, or worked in a majority-black setting. I am still
hearing crickets chirping.

So how about we don't lecture Gel on the politics of race, huh?

On the other hand, yes, there are places in America where the
educational outlook is just as dim for each and every child. This was
my original point.


On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:19:30 -0600, Phill B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I realize you live in Trinidad and there is nothing but peace and harmony.
> I guess discrimination only happens in America. Silly me. I've only
> lived here 35 years. I guess you would have a better idea of what is
> really going on around me. I got an idea. Move to America and get your
> own anecdotal stories. Then you can see what life is really like here.
> You talk about facts referring to whitey keeping minorities down. If
> whitey runs every thing, wouldn't it stand to reason that we wouldn't
> be offering anything to the minorities?
> How about this. You show me the breakdown of loans, grants and
> scholarships provided to students broken out by their race. Then show
> me the trends of this information over the last twenty years. Next, we
> should cover the minorities owning and operating companies in America
> and the trends over the last twenty years. What do you think the
> numbers are going to show?
> No sob story here. I don't blame anyone for my down falls in life. I
> hold only myself responsible. I'm not the "White America" you are so
> ready to blame.
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:38:58 -0400, Angel Stewart
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ?
> > Excuse me?
> > I'm holding myself down?
> > Look boy ketch yuh falling self eh!
> >
> > I don't live in America, and in Trinidad society circles I'm certainly not 
> > 'held down' by anything or anyone.
> >
> > Nice rant btw. Pity it doesn't address the key issues of the debate,
> > your anectdotal offerings not withstanding.
> >
> > The facts say that it is White people who have held and continue to try to 
> > hold minorities down.
> >
> > Quit writing your own sob stories that boo hoo I don't get money to go to 
> > school..boo hoo I don't get scholarships and loans.
> > You're only holding yourself down.
> >
> > Laters,
> > -Gel

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