> gMoney wrote:
> I guess my answer is that I don't accept the two options....there has to be
> a better solution than what we are currently trying, but stops well short of
> me paying junkies to get high.

I agree, but I don't know either.  What I do know is that something is
always better than nothing so I'm willing to give anything a shot.
Since the idea I'm floating has been tried before to some success, I'm
willing to do it.

Basically it comes down to the old business axiom: Lead, follow, or
get out of the way.

My idea is to lead via the proposal I've suggested or to follow yours
given it's better.  What I won't do is get in the way which what I
perceive your position to be.  As well as Nick who's point seems be:
What we're doing isn't working, but I"m unwilling to try anything new
unless it's perfect.

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