In Lexington there isn't a good public transportation system, we aren't a
small town, but the people here won't pay extra in taxes to keep up a bus
system they don't use. I'd bet the majority of the country is in a situation
where they don't have a good public transportation system.

There are plenty of good ideas about ways to cut back, but people in general
aren't happy with that, we need to find a solution that for much the same
price allow us to do the things we do today.

People know they need to cut back, they just don't want to.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mary Jo Sminkey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 11:53 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: so...there's no such thing as global warming?
> Ours is one of the richest nations in the world, and you're going to
> use the excuse that it's too expensive to do anything?? How about
> actually *buying* more efficient cars...rather than SUVs and Hummers?
> Cars than are actually less expensive too. How about car pooling or
> using public transportation? Another big money saver that would hugely
> reduce the greenhouse emissions if even half of commuters did it. How
> about passing laws that require our industries to be more fuel
> efficent...particularly the car industry which is quite capable of
> making more efficient cars (as they do in other nations where the laws
> require it). How about turing the heat *down* a few degrees, saving
> both energy bills as well as fossil fuels?
> The problem is that we are in general apathetic to the issues when they
> inconvenience us. It's not that we *can't* make a big difference in the
> amount of greenhouse emissions, it's that we don't bother too.
> You want some ideas, just do a search on something like "global warming
> what can we do" and you'll find dozens of sites with information about
> how much we *can* do rather than just stick our heads in the sand and
> say, oh well, we need to use fossil fuels regardless so why bother ove
> how *much* we use them.
> >We can't tell people they can't have kids, or start limiting the
> >children people have, that is simply not something this country can
> do.
> Huh?? The global overpopulation issue has little to do with people
> *wanting* to have kids. Generally the birth rate in industrial nations
> (such as ours) has decreased and the population for the most part (not
> counting immigration) remains steady. It's in third world countries it
> is steadily climbing. There is certainly much on this issue you can
> find through google as well.
> --- Mary Jo

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