Some regulation is needed.  I agree with some regulation.  I draw the line at 
registration of all firearms.  However, all firearms should be available for 
purchase.  Note I say firearms, not weapons systems.

I want a Galil sniper rifle.  It is a sexy beast that would be nice ti fire on 
a long rifle range.  I also miss my Colt .45.  It can't be resored, so I am 
having it melted down.  I might buy a new one, more likely I'll get a Glock now.

I would also like a GE minigun for those days I have to brave New Orleans 
traffic.  That is a weapons system, so it should be restricted from sale to the 

>(1.) Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
>If this is true then I should be able to buy any weapon in
>manufacture: Stinger Missiles, a fully armed F-22, an Abrams tank.  If
>we agree the open sale of these weapons is a bad idea, then we must
>also agree that weapons do play a role in public safety and therefore
>should be regulated; the only question is degree of regulation.

We need to protect ourselves period!  The government won't.  If a platoon of 
marines wants my property, a few will be joining me in Valhala before they take 
it, even if I have to use my teeth.  I firearm isn't the only acceptable self 
defense weapon.

>(2.) We need to protect ourselves from the gov't.
>I got news for ya - your little 9mm pop gun ain't gonna do much when a
>platoon of Marines decides they're confiscating your house.  You want
>gov't protection then you need the training and weapons the gov't has
>or let's eliminate this argument.

However, if you start to throw out one of the "Bil of Rights" what is to 
prevent us throwing out the First Amendment or the Third or another.

>(3.) The Constitution says we can have guns.
>The Constitution also says we can change it at any time.

Restrict sale of firearms and ammunition to adults, keep a three day waiting 
period, require trigger locks on all handguns, stop the cross border weapons 
trade from Mexico and require conceal carry permits of all handgun owners with 
a semiannual training/live fire certification requirement.

>So, if agree that *some* form of weapons regulation is needed, what
>and how?  I think that something around the regulation of the
>manufacture of weapon and ammunition is the way to go.

Now you're dreaming.  I could drive to Saltillo tomorrow and drive back with as 
many firearms as I could conceal in my truck.  I could also load up on as much 
ammo as I needed.

Strict enforcement of current laws is what is needed, not new regulations.

>E.g., Ban the sale of all handguns and ammunition for them in their
>current form.  Create a new class of legal handguns and ammunition,
>"12 mm", that would have 3 shot clips, biometric trigger controls,
>etc.  Something that would limit the killing power of the weapon in
>the case of VT.  At the same time, legalize conceal-n-carry country

Absolutely.  That is why I think concealed carry should be required when you 
purchaser a handgun, even if you don't use it.

>Criminals should know that if they point a gun at someone, there'll be
>20 guns points back at them.

You can toss your share of BS too.  I can also.

>Those are just a few thoughts and ideas, but I'd favor real debate on
>the issue over the BS that is tossed around now.

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