> > > really? What if I asked you about the ingredients for a tamale?
> > >
> >
> > Being that both sides of my family hail from Mosquero, NM I think I'd
> > probably pass :)
> How convenient. Especially when you've gone on at great length about
> your backgound of urban poverty. But fine, suppose that's true -- What
> about every else here whose family doesn't -- are they stupid? Are you
> really saying there is no such thing as cultural bias in an IQ  test?

I'm coming into this thread a little late but I have to ask - what the
heck does the ability to recite the components of a recipe have to do
with IQ?

On the point of cultural bias, I'll through this little nugget out -
though I'm not sure if it's been covered.  There are cultures, even in
the US, where higher education is looked down upon.  My mother works
to promote college programs in rural Oklahoma, pointing prospective
students to grants and scholarships they can qualify for if only they

Amazingly enough there are several areas where the parents are more
likely to be in opposition comes from family, either because the child
would be moving away from the "family business" or out of their direct
sphere of influence.

There is also a disregard that some without high school or college
have for family members who do.  I could cite examples in my own
family where this is the case but will refrain for a couple of
reasons.  Suffice to say that I've heard, "did you have to go to
college to learn that?"

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