ummm, we should have went to war that very day.

You don't think that attempting to assassinate a president (sitting or 
former) is an act of war?

Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008 1:55 PM, Robert Munn wrote:
>> I see that as the view of people who are emotionally invested in opposing
>> the President; it is a view that is simply not supported by the facts. The
>> war in Iraq was not pre-determined.
> (a) I don't oppose the President, per se.  And I most certainly do not have
> an emotional investment in it.  As a matter of fact, on 9/11/2001 I told my
> wife that I wished I could pass a physical, and I would sign up for the
> military myself.
> (b) Facts suggest strongly that GW had his heart set on taking out Saddam
> the day an attempt was made on his daddy's life.  Understandable?  Yes.
> Should it allow you to warp your views to the point that you have to twist
> and contort the facts so that they support your idea?  No.
>> Saddam could have come clean and
>> cooperated with the UN Security Council, but he thought he could bluff his
>> way out of the mess. Ironically, his outstandingly successful bluff about
>> having WMD was what sealed his fate.
> I agree with that, for the most part.  However, all GW needed to do was talk
> to his daddy about it.  At least his dad was intelligent enough to
> understand that it was in our best interest to leave Saddam in power.  After
> all, his bluffing and his ruthless acts actually brought a certain amount of
> stability to the region.  You can hardly say there is stability of any sort
> there now, because there clearly is not.
> The issue of 9/11 and the Iraq War is not causality, it is the deeply
>> paranoid mindset that the attacks created inside the U.S. government. In
>> one
>> day, we went from thinking about issues like Iraq, Afghanistan, the USS
>> Cole
>> bombing, etc.  in regional terms to thinking about them in terms of how
>> events "over there" could trigger further attacks on our shores. 9/11, as
>> G
>> indicted for himself, put most of the country in a mood to stomp the guts
>> out of our enemies. The US was this wounded giant, casting around for any
>> enemy to stomp. Saddam, already an enemy of the US, made the terrible
>> miscalculation of poking the wounded giant in the eye, and he got stomped
>> for it.
> I also mostly agree with this.  But it still does not change the fact that
> GW had every intention of going in and taking out Saddam long before 9/11.

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