Ok, whats with the white thing?

There are plenty of non-white citizens in the U.S., why turn this into a 
race thing when it isn't.  Iranians are white, Chechen's, Kosovars, all 
of whom have been caught fighting against us, and received the same 

Civilian court decisions in the US have little or nothing to do with the 
decisions of courts martial and you know this man.  I've already laid 
out why he doesn't fall under Geneva protections, especially as he isn't 
an Afghani.

I don't know about the Canadian gov'ts investigation and would like to 
read up on it.  Sources?

CIA != U.S. military for one.

Also, Abu Garab?  Really, so making dudes get in a naked pile is 
equivalent to taking a hammer to their hands, or a drill to their body? 
  Cutting, burning and decapitating them?  I'm torn about water 
boarding, and it's this mailing list that made me so.  I don't know what 
to think about it, and I am glad I'm not an interrogator or an 
interpretor so I don't have to make that call.

I agree about rendition, and I said so in this tread. I have problems 
with it.  We shouldn't be transferring prisoners to third party 
governments, unless it's through a lawful extradition.

Larry Lyons wrote:
>> The manner in which we take care of our own.
>> Thats it for me.
>> All those pretty little rights, the limits on government, those are for 
>> citizens.
> What about the Geneva Conventions, or international law, or even the US 
> courts that have said time and time again that foreigners have most of the 
> same rights as Americans, especially when it comes to matters before the 
> courts. But hey they're just pesky little non white foreigners anyhow who 
> gives a damn.
>> What we do in defense of nation is and always has been separated from 
>> that, why do you think we have to sign our rights away when we join?
>> Also, this "kid" is sitting in a heated and air conditioned cell, fed 
>> three HALAL squares a day, provided his religious text, and time to 
>> worship, and not tortured.
> The Canadian government investigated his claims, according to the reports by 
> the CBC and the CTV. And decided that there was merit to his claim.
>> I don't see how you can continue trying to compare us and them.
> Given that US forces are in some cases acting almost as bad (think of Abu 
> Garab for instance, the CIA waterboarding or extraordinary rendition) the 
> comparisons are justifiable. 

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