No I meant that individuals from those countries have been caught 
fighting with insurgents in both Af and Iraq.

Larry Lyons wrote:
> Remember we're fighting a counter insurgency war, its the perception that's 
> key here.  It doesn't matter if Abu Garab was an isolated incident or part of 
> a planned systematic effort. Its how the propagandists present the incidents. 
> That's one area where we're losing and badly.
> Also you're mixed up about Chechnya and Kosovo. We (as in NATO) are 
> protecting the muslim Kosevar Abanians from the Orthodox Christian Serbians. 
> Chechnya involved the Russians. Last I checked they're not a part of the US 
> or NATO.
>> Ok, whats with the white thing?
>> There are plenty of non-white citizens in the U.S., why turn this into a 
>> race thing when it isn't.  Iranians are white, Chechen's, Kosovars, all 
>> of whom have been caught fighting against us, and received the same 
>> treatment.
>> Civilian court decisions in the US have little or nothing to do with the 
>> decisions of courts martial and you know this man.  I've already laid 
>> out why he doesn't fall under Geneva protections, especially as he isn't 
>> an Afghani.
>> I don't know about the Canadian gov'ts investigation and would like to 
>> read up on it.  Sources?
>> CIA != U.S. military for one.
>> Also, Abu Garab?  Really, so making dudes get in a naked pile is 
>> equivalent to taking a hammer to their hands, or a drill to their body? 
>>  Cutting, burning and decapitating them?  I'm torn about water 
>> boarding, and it's this mailing list that made me so.  I don't know what 
>> to think about it, and I am glad I'm not an interrogator or an 
>> interpretor so I don't have to make that call.
>> I agree about rendition, and I said so in this tread. I have problems 
>> with it.  We shouldn't be transferring prisoners to third party 
>> governments, unless it's through a lawful extradition.
>> Larry Lyons wrote:

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