I know the economy is the next knee-jerker, but I was actually still
on the freedom bit.  :-)

Losing our liberties (no-knock, warrant-less searches, domestic
spying, due process wankery) and our morals (torture is o.k. if our
lawyers say so, a "strike first" military, trading individual freedoms
for a perceived group safety, etc.).

Can't take a damn plane without an anal search, building a "wall" to
keep immigrants out, etc..

"if you don't do X, the ter'rists 'il git ya", etc..

That's the scary stuff to me.  Money is important and all, but not
that important.  :-)

I agree about China.  Heh.

It is sad to see folks who'd usually stay in the states for a bit,
high-tail it to other countries, just cuz of the weak $.

Not that it isn't a pain in the ass just to get into the country these
days.  The red tape probably makes us safer too, in someones mind.


"What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope."
---- Publilius Syrus - Moral Sayings (1st C B.C.)

On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What do you mean by losing it? Our economy? That's our own damn fault, as we
>  have discussed many times. Social Security and Medicare are going to
>  bankrupt us, and through our anti-immigrant policy we are keeping the very
>  people who could help feed the system well into this century out of the
>  system.
>  In the short run, the weak dollar is inevitable, and perhaps even good,
>  because it will help us get back in the business of selling our goods and
>  services to other countries. China in particular is taking it on the chin
>  for oil and other commodities right now by not re-evaluating their currency
>  against the dollar, but they feel they need to stay more or less close to
>  the dollar to keep from losing their trade advantage with the U.S. India has
>  let the rupee appreciate significantly against the dollar, so they are not
>  getting walloped as much in the international commodities markets as China,
>  but at the same time they are hurting their services industry's exports. Of
>  course, that becomes less important as they develop a domestic market for
>  services, too.
>  Ultimately, the currencies of the biggest economies in the world need to
>  come into line with each other. The Europeans are staving off the drop in
>  the euro with a variety of strategies, but in the end they are just putting
>  off the inevitable pain of dealing with a stronger yen and rupee, among
>  others.
>  On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 1:10 PM, denstar  wrote:
>  >
>  > ....
>  > >  For all the bluster about talk about freedom on this list, it seems
>  > only
>  > >  those of us who already have it are the only ones who deserve it, eh?
>  >
>  > I'm more curious about those who don't care that we're losing it over
>  > here.
>  >

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