Yep, except for you can't do it to Americans, it would be a 
constitutional violation.

Dana wrote:
> I love you too.
> Seriously tho, isn't that the logic? guantanamo is ok because the
> people there titare illegal combattants and therefore not entitled to
> prisoner of war status? I could swear I remember you saying that. If I
> have misunderstood the position please explain.
> On /22/08, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> combatant != prisoner of war
>> You should move, seriously.  We don't want you.  We have enough loonies
>> that belong here.
>> Dana wrote:
>>> i have been trying to stay out of this because really, I don't have
>>> time. However let me try one more time...
>>>> I spent two years working with former Soviet states on energy programs and 
>>>> I
>>>> often used former Russian defectors as interpreters.
>>> And what did you learn from this? You're defending the right of the
>>> governement to just come take you away, my friend. Really, you are.
>>> Because if it is ok to do this to terrorists... you need to check out
>>> the definition of terrorist.
>>>> In some rosy past when we were nice little American boys and girls? That's 
>>>> a
>>>> fairy tale.
>>> and yet it is still true according to you below. You aren't making sense.
>>>>> We had a stance like "you can torture us, but we will not torture
>>>>> you"-- we WILL NOT SINK TO THAT LEVEL.
>>>> We still do. The perpetrators of Abu Ghraib have been tried and convicted.
>>>> The CIA secret jails thing has been hashed out in public and in Congress.
>>>> The waterboarding thing has been all over the news forever.
>>> The perpetrators of Abu Ghraib :) ha. A few soldiers who followed
>>> orders were sacrificed like pawns.  The secret jails, the
>>> extraordinary renditions, the black flights have *not* been hashed
>>> out. You've still never heard of Maher Arar and there is still a
>>> fifteen year old boy at Guantanamo being held without legal
>>> representation because of who his family knows.
>>>> I'm implying no such thing.  I'm suggesting that at the highest
>>>>> levels, the "definition" of torture is being tested.
>>>> That is why we have an indepedent judiciary, to provide clarity on the
>>>> limits of Executive and Legislative power.
>>> Yes and the Executive says it does not want to be reviewed by the
>>> judiciary. DId you sleep through the whole FISA thing?
>>>> If you believe that then you obviously haven't studied Constitutional
>>>> history. People are people, they do good and bad. Our structure of
>>>> government is designed to contain the damage that can be done by any single
>>>> branch of government, precisely because the Founders expected each branch 
>>>> of
>>>> government to push the envelope.
>>> Yes but the Constitution you think protects us is being blatantly 
>>> disregarded.
>>>> I don't support it. I support specific measures that are finite in scope 
>>>> and
>>>> duration to combat terrorism. As I noted in another thread, this business 
>>>> of
>>>> using the Patriot Act to nail Spitzer for prostitution is no good, and the
>>>> rules need to be changed.
>>> But see, that's just it. SInce anyone can be a terrorist -- you really
>>> need to check out that definition --- all those measures apply to
>>> *everyone.* And a measure that is for the duration of the war on
>>> terror might as well be eternal.
>>>> They don't have uniforms, but they definitely are combatants. Why don't you
>>>> ask one of the soldiers on the list if they think they guys shooting at 
>>>> them
>>>> in Iraq and Afghanistan weren't combatants?
>>> But they aren't. You really haven't been paying attention, have you.
>>> They are not combattants and therefore the Geneva Convention is quaint
>>> and and they can be locked up as long as the administratoin pleases.
>>> If you don't believe me just ask Alberto Gonzales.

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