On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 7:50 AM, Rick Root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 6 months or so later I quit that job and became a freelance web developer
> but after about 6 months of making almost no money, I had to get a real
> job,
> and my wife and I moved to North Carolina where I got my first web
> developer
> job doing Coldfusion programming in 1998.

That's awesome. The summer after my Junior year, I put my name in for an
paid intern position with our job placement group at the university. They
told me that a company was interested in me, and that they programmed in
Cold Fusion...i told them i had no freaking clue what that language was.
Keep in mind, I'd never even done HTML at that point....still plugging away
in C++, pretty much oblivious to net programming. So I interned there about
20 hours a week.

Basically I got paid AND got school credit while this company taught me Cold
Fusion and HTML/Web design at the same time. Doesn't get much better than

In hindsight, I wish I *HAD* majored in CS in college because I would've
> come out of college in 1995 with a CS degree, and ready to dive into the
> dot
> com boom.  I might've ended up with a dot com and sold my shares for
> millions of dollars.

I graduated in '98, with a CS degree, went straight to a .COM....got a bunch
of shares, and 3 years later, the company was gone and my shares were worth
bumpkiss. Ah well....my timing was off by a few years. Still wouldn't trade
the experience for anything....learned a ton.

Now my dreams are heavy things
That are muddied by reality

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