> -----Original Message-----
> From: G Money [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 8:15 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Why did you get into computers? (was: churvii: a study in
> brainiacs)
> I spun this off into a new thread because it got me thinking........why
> did
> everyone here get into programming? Was it by choice? Did it just
> happen
> that way? Did you major in CS in college? Was it to make money?

I got a Ti99/4A when I was a kid... hooked up to a honking big ol' color TV.
Played with that thing long after it was dead and gone.

When I followed my wife to Boston (she was starting her Masters, I was a
high-school graduate working at 7-Eleven) we got a spanky-new 486DX/33 and I
started playing.  One of the regulars at 7-Eleven was setting up a public
Internet Access facility (this was '93) and I volunteered.  When "the Web"
looked like it might start to overtake Gopher I dug in and learned enough
HTML to do a site for the facility.

The Wayback Machine actually has a copy of it from '97.  This wasn't "my"
site by then (I didn't choose the "Gold" background) but most of the
graphics and much of the writing is mine:


I extended that with a personal site about Boston and grew it up over a year
or two.

WayBack Machine has a bunch of stuff from that site:


I got an email one day thanking me for linking to another local site.  We
chatted and it turned out that I had linked to the personal site of the
manager of a new media group inside a large Insurance company.  She offered
me a job.  (At the time I was pumping gas for $7.25 an hour... she offered
me $25 an hour to start... not a hard decision).

I actually started out there doing Macromind (later Macromedia) Director
work: presentations and such for bigwigs and trade shows.  As the web grew
we moved more and in that direction. Eventually we adopted ColdFusion and
JavaScript as they were developed and I became a "programmer".  ;^)  We
focused on usability and accessibility testing and marketed our services to
outside groups.

I've been there (well... "there" has changed drastically due to mergers)
ever since - 12 years in September.  I'm now doing, through some nasty twist
of fate, almost exclusively Unix Shell Scripting against mainframe and DB2
batch processes.  I'm about as far from where I want to be as I can be.  ;^)

Jim Davis

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