7th Grade, South Dakota, 1983.  I was in the pilot "Gifted and  
Talented" class.  The teacher made it a point to come to my house and  
suggest to my parents that they buy a personal computer for me based  
on what she saw in my interactions with the TRS-80's at school.

Next day, my mom went out and bought a VIC-20 for me to work on.

I probably owe that teacher a lot by now.

Oddly enough, I went to college planning on a mechanical engineering  
degree because I didn't figure computer science majors made as much  
money.  I had to take some fortran classes for the ME degree and  
decided that really was where my passion was.

On May 1, 2008, at 7:14 AM, G Money wrote:

> I spun this off into a new thread because it got me  
> thinking........why did
> everyone here get into programming? Was it by choice? Did it just  
> happen
> that way? Did you major in CS in college? Was it to make money?
> For me personally, I wanted a job that had 3 primary characteristics:
> 1) Made good money
> 2) Would be in demand for the foreseeable future and
> 3) Would allow me to work with minimal contact with other people
> I'm not a misanthrope, but I do really enjoy just shrinking into my  
> own
> world sometimes and pounding out code without having to interact  
> with a
> bunch of people to get stuff done.
> So.......how did everyone else get into this business?
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:47 PM, Adam Churvis <
>> Only one correction: David is the one who is off the charts.
>> Respectfully,
>> Adam Phillip Churvis
>> President
>> Productivity Enhancement
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 5:09 PM
>>> To: CF-Community
>>> Subject: churvii: a study in brainiacs
>>> so, david is highly intelligent, adam, well, you are off the  
>>> charts...
>>> id like to know... how is your office setup?
>>> i see a bunch of churvii in one room, laughing at each other
>>> coding, responding to lists, laughing at each others posts, etc...
>>> am i way off?
>>> --
>>> 'Never have anything in your life that you can't walk out on in  
>>> thirty
>>> seconds flat, if you spot the heat coming around the corner'
>>> robert deniro - heat (1995)

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