>I spun this off into a new thread because it got me thinking........why did
>everyone here get into programming? Was it by choice? Did it just happen
>that way? Did you major in CS in college? Was it to make money?

I initially got  into computers very late - grade 12 since I had to take an 
elective. That involved a teletype and an acoustic coupler type modem (where 
you dial the number yourself and put the receiver into a special adapter). 
After a year of basic and jcl I dropped it for a couple of years. Then taking a 
research design and data analysis course we had to use the main frame to do the 
stats analysis. Then I discovered the mainframe had a pretty good word 
processor. That sealed it for me. I really didn't start programming until I was 
working on my masters degree - I took an intro to programming course as an 
elective. Began writing my own analysis programs, and was given a fellowship to 
design and develop a stuttering therapy program using HyperCard (btw the 
program or rather its great grand child is still being used quite 
successfully). Then after several frustrating years in a PhD program, and 
telling my dissertation committee to go f*ck themselves, I began coding full 
time, initially using  toolbook and authorware, then HTML and eventually 
Coldfusion (version 3). Its been a wild ride ever since.

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