I’m sorry Judith, but im not refusing to believe what
Israel is saying, cause Israel has said nothing about
what they plan to achieve and there long term plans,
and the Palestinians are not saying much from Ramallah
cause no one can get to them to see what is going
on….and there is no hate and anger in my voice for
what Israel is doing, the only anger is that if I
state my view its alwas a lie, that is not all anger,
that is frustration, and please ,  I don’t hate Jews
or hate anyone on this list, so no, what I say is not
coming through hate….

Every thing I say is turned into show evidence and
prove it, and when I do, and its true, instead of
saying, oh we didn’t realize this, or this was not
covered here on the news, so there is no way of us
knowing this, instead, the whole argument is dropped
and im asked to prove something else, and now asked to
prove what the writter is saying is true, c’mone now,
lets get real and lets stop it with this I said this
and I said that,and trying to prove what im saying is
alie, cause its not, and no one is able to prove its
alie, cause its not….

Still, I don’t know where I said that the Journalist
is a Palestinian, and if I did somewhere, then show
me, and I apologize in advance I guess as if it matter
where the journalist is from,but please show me, my
point was NOT that a Palestinian journalist was shot,
my point was the army is shooting at Journalist, what
does it make a difference if he was Palestinian or
not, and the American journalist shot works for the
Boston Globe

I think its sad that an American Journalist shot does
not make local news here, because of course he is shot
by Israeli soldiers, so how would Palestinians getting
killed ever make the news here…..not even in Boston
Globe, do they mention this, and this is two days old,
unless I cant find it that is……SO I GUESS I WAS NOT
LYING HA, an American journalist was shot! maybe what
goes on does not make it so fast out here, but
eventualy it does, it all does...

And you say I have not proven anything I said, that is
not true, cause I’v proved every single thing I said,
but instead of looking at it that way, why doesn’t
anyone prove anythign I say is a LIE, prove that im
lying, nothing would make me happier….all I’m getting
is accusations, prove me wrong….

Good day.....

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