> >I would like to say this. I believe the people who
> >are there have a right to be there. The state of
> >Israel has the right to defend itself and do its
> >best to live in peace.
> And how about the PAlestinians, what right do they
> have ? do they have the right to exist ? what if it
> was the the Palestinians who were the occupiers and
> inforcers of life on Israelies, would people be saying
> the Palestinians have the right to defend themselfs
> against the Jews who are fighting for the right to
> exist and live free ?

No one has said the palestinians do not have the right to be there if they
choose to co-exist peacefully with the israelis.

> Reports say over 100 Palestinians masacred already,
> Ramallah got declared a millitary area, all the media
> has been forced to leave the area, no medics are
> allowed to pick or help or enter the area, 3
> journalist been shot for taken footage of the
> massacres that are happening, including one American
> journalist.

If this were true it would all over the american press.

> All men between the ages of 14-45 are
> being loaded into trucks, many of them bound and
> killed on the spot..the scary thing is, none of what
> is going on there is getting a minute coverage in the
> Media here, other than the suicide bombings that are
> happing, and will continue happening and will happen
> more and more and more as the news and footage of the
> masacred people start making its rounds around the
> terretories..At this time, no electricty, no food,no
> phones,  no water,  and total curfew on all
> PAlestinians in RAmallah....stores are being looted by
> Israeli soldiers, TV stations are being shut down, all
> doctors and medics operating in hospitals inside
> Ramallah are being rounded up and placed in areas away
> from the sick and injured..

So where is your information coming from if its not being covered by the

> Palestinians will survive this, alot of people will
> have been killed before its over, and then you can
> trust they will avenge what is happenings there,and
> then people here will call there actions terrorism and
> will condemn them, but no one seems to get a bite
> concerned to what is happening to the
> Palestinians..... and I guess in a way, its good
> to see that Israelis are going to the streets and
> protesting what Sharon is doing to the Palestinians,
> and call for him to end the raids and masacres
> immediatly, because they know they are the ones who
> will pay for what Sharon is doing.....Sharon is
> finished, and his only rescue is to drag the whole
> area into a war to make up for his failed and
> murderous attempt to squash the Palestinians....He has
> created hundreds if not thousands of suicide bombers
> who wish not more than to blow themselfes up in the
> middle of Israel to show no matter who he assasinates,
> and what crimes he commits against the Palestinians,
> he can never kill them all...and he will never
> win....Sharon once he is done killing and destroying
> everything he finds, he will end up sending Israel to
> its ruins, and blame him alone...
> for anyone interested in the latest news...
> http://palestinechronicle.com/index.php
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