this article doesn't say whom the reporter was shot by

--Beth, Pseudo usenet cop
Merlin MTB, BikeE AT, RANS gliss, Trek R200, Kickbike
Owned by Kavik (Samoyed Boy) and Toklat (Keeshond Boy)
Anchorage, Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "mo mansour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 6:08 AM
Subject: RE: Why (Re: They invaded! 0_0)

> I'm sorry Judith, but im not refusing to believe what
> Israel is saying, cause Israel has said nothing about
> what they plan to achieve and there long term plans,
> and the Palestinians are not saying much from Ramallah
> cause no one can get to them to see what is going
> on..and there is no hate and anger in my voice for
> what Israel is doing, the only anger is that if I
> state my view its alwas a lie, that is not all anger,
> that is frustration, and please ,  I don't hate Jews
> or hate anyone on this list, so no, what I say is not
> coming through hate..
> Every thing I say is turned into show evidence and
> prove it, and when I do, and its true, instead of
> saying, oh we didn't realize this, or this was not
> covered here on the news, so there is no way of us
> knowing this, instead, the whole argument is dropped
> and im asked to prove something else, and now asked to
> prove what the writter is saying is true, c'mone now,
> lets get real and lets stop it with this I said this
> and I said that,and trying to prove what im saying is
> alie, cause its not, and no one is able to prove its
> alie, cause its not..
> Still, I don't know where I said that the Journalist
> is a Palestinian, and if I did somewhere, then show
> me, and I apologize in advance I guess as if it matter
> where the journalist is from,but please show me, my
> point was NOT that a Palestinian journalist was shot,
> my point was the army is shooting at Journalist, what
> does it make a difference if he was Palestinian or
> not, and the American journalist shot works for the
> Boston Globe
> I think its sad that an American Journalist shot does
> not make local news here, because of course he is shot
> by Israeli soldiers, so how would Palestinians getting
> killed ever make the news here...not even in Boston
> Globe, do they mention this, and this is two days old,
> unless I cant find it that is..SO I GUESS I WAS NOT
> LYING HA, an American journalist was shot! maybe what
> goes on does not make it so fast out here, but
> eventualy it does, it all does...
> And you say I have not proven anything I said, that is
> not true, cause I'v proved every single thing I said,
> but instead of looking at it that way, why doesn't
> anyone prove anythign I say is a LIE, prove that im
> lying, nothing would make me happier..all I'm getting
> is accusations, prove me wrong..
> Good day.....
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