On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:08 AM, David Churvis
> You and I disagree on whether the epithets at the Palin rally were real, but
> that's immaterial to this.  I've already said that anyone who uses racial
> epithets is wrong, and I do care about this issue.  I can't fault you for
> thinking that "nobody seems to care", but let me assure you that there has
> been plenty of attention devoted to this problem within the gay media, as
> well as during the rallies on Saturday.

I didn't see it on the evening news, yahoo or google news and it
wasn't mentioned on this list which seems to have claimed every single
statement made by a McCain/Palin supporter represents all of them.
I'm glad it's getting attention and hope it shames the fools into
re-evaluating there feelings.

> And there is nothing McCarthy-like about this boycott at all.  McCarthy was
> trumping up untrue charges against people based on no evidence whatsoever,
> ruining careers in the process by associating people with what was at that
> time the most evil thing imaginable to most people, namely Communism.

Actually, everyone on his list was eventually proven to be working
with communists. The threats and dangers were real. I'm not saying I
agree with his tactics, he went about it the wrong way and he went too
far. But it was all real.

> In this case, someone found an actual, verifiable list of donors, and has
> posted the list so that people can be aware of what individuals and
> businesses supported Prop 8, so that people can make an informed decision
> about where to send their business.  There is no persecution, no one is
> being unfairly targeted, no one is having their lives ruined by baseless
> speculation.

The musical theater guy quit his job to save the theater. That's not
the same as a theater officially donating. If a business gets
boycotted because of a single employee's personal actions, chances are
he's going to be let go to save the company. That's the intention of
the blacklist. I'm all for targeting the business if they have an
official position, but not based on employee actions. Imagine if they
published the opposite list and asked people to boycott the companies
with employees that opposed the measure.

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