How low level of a job does the employee have to have to not make it
to the list?

I don't consider someone against same sex marriage as anti-gay. I'm
sure some are, but I believe most aren't.

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 10:06 AM, David Churvis
> I see where your problem lies; let me perhaps shed some light on the thought
> process.  The artistic director of a musical theatre company donated money
> to Proposition 8.  In any theatre company, Artistic Director is one of the
> two highest positions within the organization, and is always ultimately
> responsible for the output of the company, both in terms of quality and
> content.  Because this person is in a leadership position within the
> organization, it blurs the lines between what the organization endorses and
> what he endorses personally.  So as a gay person, I have to choose whether
> to patronize an organization led and represented by someone who doesn't want
> me to have what I consider to be a basic human right.
> Let me put it this way: I don't think that a Jewish person would care to
> visit and spend money at an establishment operated by a vocal anti-Semite,
> even if the establishment itself has no official language against Jewish
> people.
> David Churvis

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