a lot of slippery slope arguments here I agree

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 5:28 AM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You have shown that one study shows that 'primary care physicians' make
> less
> > than doctors in other specialties (the numbers Rob posted seem to
> dis-prove
> > what you are tryign to say) - that is a far cry from proof that doctors
> in
> > general don't care about money.
> I'm not sure where the idea got started that I think all doctors are
> inherently altruistic and would happily work for nothing. As I said
> before, I want and expect doctors to make a very decent living. They
> have a very tough job and they generally have a huge pile of loans to
> pay off after a very lengthy education and training period.
> The link I posted to PCP salaries was not to compare them to other
> types of doctors. It was to refute the point you put out there saying
> that even the worst doctor in the country could make several hundred
> thousand dollars a year and to refute the point that Gruss and Rob
> made saying that doctors wouldn't work for only 150K a year that they
> would supposedly earn under a single payer health insurance program. I
> simply showed that the bulk of the PCPs out there are making less than
> 200K a year and a large minority of them are earning less than 100K a
> year.
> That doesn't mean that all doctors live a paupers life, it doesn't
> mean that they are all noble physicians in it for nothing but the
> public good. What it does mean is that the picture that was being
> painted of doctors all earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year
> and being in it just for the money is patently false.
> There is a lot to meaningfully debate here. But when people are
> starting with a preconceived image of one of the major factors
> (physicians) that is demonstrably wrong, it makes it difficult to get
> to anything meaningful.
> Judah

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