On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> You and Rob and (to a lesser extent) Scott have argued that single
> payer is inherently stupid and that doctors are only in it for money
> and would never back systematic healthcare reform with the government
> as a primary insurance agent. I've shown that every single one of
> those accusations is a bald face lie. If you'd like me to broaden out
> from primary care physicians to other groups, fine. But the fact of
> the matter is that I've shown the crap you are flinging is just that,
> so calm down, think about actual data and deal.

I never argued that a single payer system is inherently stupid ( I may think
that, but never argued it).  On the contrary, I made a comment about who
would not want the gov't to be cutting their checks all the time - that's
I also never made a  claim that doctors are _only_ in it for the money.
 Rather that money plays into the equation for most. It is possible to have
money be a contributing factor, but not the only factor for someone to
become a doctor.  If someone tells you that money was no part of them
becoming (or wanting to become) a doctor, I think you can safely call
You have shown that one study shows that 'primary care physicians' make less
than doctors in other specialties (the numbers Rob posted seem to dis-prove
what you are tryign to say) - that is a far cry from proof that doctors in
general don't care about money.
Scott Stroz
The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas Jefferson


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