> Vivec wrote:
> I don't buy my clothes from people that look only like me.
> And yes, if BET said that you have to be black to work here, that is
> discrimination as well.
> Just as if you as a business say that only Whites can use your toilets.

It's not dude, it's just not.

Let's say you show up in Atlanta to visit Erika.  You've brought her a
bottle of T&T rum and have made plans to make some tasty daiquiris.

So at the airport you hail a cab and:

* The cab driver says he doesn't drive Islanders.  That's discrimination.

* The cab driver says he doesn't drive black people (assuming you're
black).  That's discrimination.

* The cab driver says he's Muslim and so won't drive you if you're
carrying alcohol.  Wait, what?  He's not discriminating against you
just the alcohol ... and if we make cab drivers shuttle around dudes
with alcohol are we discriminating against Muslims ... uh oh.

See in this case taxi cabs are part of public transportation
infrastructure and therefore should carry anybody with any legal

Companies, however, if they're not performing or vendoring a public
service, should have a right to control their brand.

They should be free to hire anyone they want with any qualities they
want for external facing roles.  For back office roles it would be
discrimination if your only criteria was skin color given they could
do the job.

Think about the topless coffee shops for Gosh Sakes!  Physical
discrimination is gonna happen ...

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