And as I pointed out that I did not start out on the "socialization myth"...that was Morgan, yet you continue to dishonestly attribute that to me.
-----Original Message----- From: Scott Stroz [] Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:54 PM To: cf-community Subject: Re: The hardest thing about homeschooling..... On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Eric Roberts <> wrote: > > I dont think Dana and Scott are interested in discussing this with people > that disagree with them. They would rather act like pompous asses whose pet > idea can't be wrong since that might make them wrong....and we can't let > that happen. They remind me of fundamentalists who have a monopoly on the > right thing (tm) and anyone who disagrees is automatically wrong or > intolerant or uneducated. > > Eric I have no issue with the fact that you do not like home schooling, but I do take issue with the fact that your opinion is based on, and you are spreading, mis-information. You are funny (in a sad kind of way), you have expressed your opinion, which is obviously based on mis-information. You first claimed that the only people who should be allowed to teach children are trained and certified teachers. Well, there have been plenty of studies that have shown that home schooled children consistently score higher on standardized tests than public school children of the same age. When this was pointed out, you switched tactics and started on the 'socialization' myth. When I posted links to excerpts of studies that show home schoolers are no more likely to be socially inept than those in public school, you resorted to name calling and claiming I cannot discuss the topic. Its OK, I understand, sometimes people are frightened by things that are different than what they were taught in their little concrete boxes people call public school. Its OK that real facts frighten you when you felt so comfortable in your own little work where you could just make stuff up. I get it. You were fed from the same public school trough I was, only difference, I learned its OK to have alternatives, even if they go against main stream thinking. -- Scott Stroz --------------- The DOM is retarded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: