When I was a young lad, my Mother would tell me "in the ""real
world""... or: in ""real life""..." and other such stuff, and it
always boggled me.

When are you *not* in the Real World, so to speak?

Education has always been something I've been, um, "interested" in.
My mom is a public school teacher, and I've been labeled "twice"
exceptional, or, gifted "at risk"-- so I got to experience all kinds
of "nifty" stuff, public-school-wise (those labels got me in
everything from "normal" programs to sped level D (tho I never got to
ride on the "short bus".)).

I was lucky enough to have good friends, from every walk of life,
growing up.  I got to see a variety of home-life's.

No "home schooling", per se, although both my folks love to
communicate and tell stories, and we ran a family printing company and
a toy/book store + cafe for a good bit of my youth.  There were Cheese
Co-ops and other weird deals when I was a kid, too... a lot of it I
plain didn't appreciate until I was "old".
Heh.  I used to bitch about being forced to work at a *toy store*.
Sounds funny, now, but that's life.

Life.  The Great Educator.

Look, when it comes down to it, there *is* no "right answer" for
everyone (although maybe /that/ is the "right answer"-- fsck yeah!
Recursively valid y todo).

There are different learning styles, teaching styles, environments, etc..

"public school" can suck over here and be awesome over there...
"home school" can suck over here and be awesome over there...
And then there's the mixed bags...

It all relates tho, so there really aren't any "sides" to be on.

We do not operate in a vacuum, there is no "real world" which is
somehow separate from whatever reality you're experiencing.

Perhaps there are artificial separations, but there cannot be
"natural" ones, else reality just wouldn't work (the nature of reality
is another thing I'm, um, "interested" in- goes swell with the
education bit!).


I used to hate school with a passion.  I used to trash universities
all the time.  Certifications?  Puh-leese.  Generally not worth the
paper their printed on, yadda yadda.

I've come to realize that life is just too *freaking awesome* to lump
crap together.  It's how our brains work, sorta, so it's forgivable --
and perhaps unavoidable -- but there is an element of it we surely

Eh, times two.

I'll wander around this subject for ever and ever.  With a just about
school-aged daughter, I'm hitting it all again from another angle (I'm
not a "hypothetical" parent now), and as always, well... wow.  I love
how life is different all the time, and yet somehow the same... the
dual that's a tri that's a single, perspective based and everything...
 WOOHAA!  Thanks for keeping it interesting, life! (or God, or Myself,
or Us, or whatever it may *really* be.  LOL.)

Scott, you knock yourself, but I think you've done swell.  Eloquent
and on point, IMO.  Good job not painting yourself into a corner. :)

Eric, you are entitled to your opinions, but I think they're biased,
and that you've painted yourself into a corner.  :)

And that is that.  Pointless, free-flowing rambling, but with at least
a couple personal deals at the last.  Not especially artistic tho, and
for that I apologize.

SIKE! (er, psyche!, even.)  I'm not at all sorry.  Anyone who doesn't
like it can eat a bowl of dick.

Yeah!  (I feel like I'm missing out on the whole cuss'n at someone
deal.  Looks almost cathartic, even.)

Eddie Valiant: Nice booby trap

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