Or maybe they were just wearing old navy shirts...the point is...this is
America and if you don't like an American wearing an American flag, feel
free to see your way to the border.  This is our country, if you want to
come here, you have to assimilate into our culture.  We have no problem with
others celebrating their cultural stuff...most of the time, we will
participate in it with you (any excuse to party hehehe).  But when we get
punished in our own country for wearing a shirt with an American flag on it,
the line has been crossed.  Here is the order of importance in this
country...first and foremost, if you are a in this country, other than
visiting...you are an American, after that you can be whatever you want to
be.  They can celebrate all they want, but don't tell me or any of my fellow
citizens to take off a shirt just because it has an American flag on it
while I am in my country.  Sorry, but that is just plain bullshit.  These
administrators need to be fired.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vivec [mailto:gel21...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 10:26 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: WTF?

Hmm...It's very different in Trinidad.

We are a multi ethnic and multi cultural country. We even have an
Inter-religious organisation to represent all the major religious

we celebrate Christmas, Eid, Divali, Baptist Holiday, Indian Arrival Day,
Emancipation Day, Change of the Chinese Year, Hosay, St. Patrick's day.
And there is never any problems with protests, or disrespect shown to any of
the groups.
Almost everyone lights Deyas at Divali or drives around admiring the bamboo
For Eid you eat Sawine from your Muslim neighbours.
During HOsay the streets are lined with people looking on at the
St. Patrick's Day everyone goes to a bar wearing green to take a drink.
If there were a noticeable Mexican community locally we'd celebrate cinco de
mayo too in the same way.

Not that protests or free speech is not protected...but no one would really
do that.

It isn't being patriotic, it is being inflammatory.
The motivation is not innocent.The motivation is to say this is America for
Americans and fuck you Mexican immigrants.
And if they had put that on their t-shirts and on their bandanas it would
not have been allowed.
I don't see why being passive aggressive makes it any better or more

I don't understand where the US and THEM comes in. America would be
absolutely nothing without its immigrants.
America is an entire continent of Immigrants.

On 6 May 2010 11:00, Eric Roberts <ow...@threeravensconsulting.com> wrote:

> The only right in this regard is that you have the right to be
> offended...just like I am offended by KKK and Nazi rallies, they still
> the right to spew their shit as long as they are not violating the rights
> of
> others.

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