nice rant Den

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:57 PM, denstar <> wrote:
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:20 AM, Sam wrote:
>> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:42 PM, denstar wrote:
>>>> And now it's worse because of what he started? Which he didn't start.
>>>> He just made it evil so now it's progressively more evil because of
>>>> him?
>>> It's always been Evil.  Bush43 used FUD to push through, or get away
>>> with, a whole grip of Evil though.
>> Do you see your bias yet or do we need to keep drilling?
> The problem is that the scenarios are not "equal".  Although *both* do
> Bad Things, that doesn't make them the "same".
>>> Your solution is laughable.  Laughter is good for the heart!
>> You do know there are cameras everywhere these days, ATMS, credit card
>> transactions. Not easy to stay under the radar anymore. Funny part is
>> Google is probably your second favorite company in the world.
> Heh.  Reminds me of this Matlock episode where the murder had his
> secretary get a photo speeding ticket while wearing a mask of his
> face, providing his alibi.
> Look dude, we can *easily* /fake/ DNA now.  Manufacture it to appear
> to be from whatever person we want.  You knew that, right?  There's a
> test to see if DNA has been manufactured, but it's not used by any law
> enforcement agencies as yet.
> More and more, it's going to be about *using* information, vs. its
> *availability*.  We're already there, actually.  I mean, why would
> *any* evidence be inadmissible, otherwise?
> You seem to be saying that we should just (indeed, can *only*) "trust"
> the watchers.  I disagree.
> If anything, we need *more* checks on that power, not /less/.
> Google scares the crap out of me.
>>>> Bush didn't have to say it because he had a plan and it worked. Glad
>>>> you're happy with a Change for 5% to 10% unemployment.
>>> Is this statement similar to the one about McCarthy?  "They /were/
>>> spies" and "he had a plan and it /worked/"?
>> Only if you use opinionated hash.
> I like hash that agrees with me.  And hash that doesn't.  Ah hell- I
> just like hash, period.  Hash-marks, hash-ish, hash-browns...
> Seriously tho; saying that McCarthy was actually an OK dude, unfairly
> slandered by a rival politician*... seems like a bit of a stretch.
> Saying Bush43 was no worse than the rest is a similar stretch, IMHO.
> *and "liberal" or "left leaning" history book writers
>>> He had a plan alright, and it seems to have worked.  He and his
>>> friends are doing better than ever.
>> I think all ex-presidents are doing quit well. As are there friends.
>> But if you're running with the ole GOP = big Corps and they all
>> fleeced the country then I think you need to look at the banks, Wall
>> Street and the Dems to see who really raped us.
> Who really raped us?  Those at the top, of course!  Been that way for
> ever and ever.  That's not a party deal.
> What do you think about the "Citizens United v. Federal Election
> Commission" SC ruling?
>>> "We the people" tho... no so much.  Crappy plan in regards to the rest
>>> of us, IMHO.
>> We were all  doing well until dopenchange guy kneecapped the country.
>> Did I mention he said expect un-employment to hover around 10% for a
>> long time. How is that Bush's fault again?
> So you think that it's Obama's fault, and the fault of this health
> care legislation?
> Did Bush43 leave Obama with a surplus he mishandled or some such?
> I bet that's what happened! The lefty media just spun this whole story
> about massive debt prior to Obama taking office out of nothing, and
> now that's what people think happened.  In reality things were "fine,
> just fine" before Obama took office (then), but since he has been at
> the helm (now)-- man the country is in the crapper!
> Who's fault is it, that we're more than ankle-deep in debt?  A
> specific individual? Congress?  Us?
> Eh.  We'll be back.  It's what we do.
> Maybe that Oil money from the war will start to come in soon.
>>> That was a once in a lifetime exception, like banning assault weapons.
>> You do remember that ban was a scam? We covered right hear on HOF.
> Was I "here"?  I don't remember it.  Unless it was some discussion
> about the PBS special on Clinton, perhaps?
> That Clinton guy knew how to get stuff done, scams or no.
>>> It's The Right that "gets stuff done" due to their unity, is what I
>>> was implying.
>>> Mostly it *is* shit, but still.  At least they're consistent.  :)p
>> What's been getting done?
> I think we're still backwards on who gets what done, but to clarify,
> the Right has gotten a lot done with, I suspect, lesser numbers of
> folk than the Left.  I know surveys and such say that it's like 50/50
> or something close, but I think Lefties are under-reported by their
> very nature.
>>>> That's pretty stupid, you just demonstrated the opposite to be true.
>>>> You admit being duped like a cult follower and yet you mock the masses
>>>> for not seeing the light.
>>> I was duped?  I haven't been surprised in years, man.  It's a curse.
>> Opps sorry, I thought you knew.
> I never thought Obama was Ron Paul.  I didn't expect him to give back
> all the power Bush43 has usurped.  Hoped, maybe, but definitely not
> expected.
>>>>> Taking us to war on false pretenses?  Not so much.
>> We've been over that and the entire Bush lied people died slogan was
>> proven bogus. You need to let go of the TPM sound bites. Read about
>> the issue and update your thoughts.
> Stuff was proven, but I don't think proven bogus.
> Unless it's a conspiracy!  I'm always up for a good conspiracy.
> What's TPM?  M == Media?
>>> You're saying you think it is OK to lie though?
>> I'm saying Biden lied not Bush, yet you're mad at Bush. The DNC is good.
>>> If health care reform was a "made up" need, like going to war, I'd be 
>>> pissed.
>> It is. Get mad.
> Ha!  So needing to go to war /was/ a lie!  Damn, another conspiracy
> bites the dust.  Oh well- I still did my part, and kept buying stuff.
>> We could have used reform, but in a different way. Everything about
>> the current bill is a lie to steal power and money. As for the war, it
>> was a bi-partisan war. Be mad at everybody.
> Reform is reform.  It's an ongoing process.  This was vetted a lot
> better than the war was, and people weren't rebounding from a terror
> attack.
> You are right though.  "Everybody" was together for a bit there,
> presenting a united front; t'was both beautiful and horrendous at the
> same time.
> Bush43, as an individual, had a real opportunity to do something
> amazing there.  What a waste of a united front.
>>> Then:  things were good.  Now: thing are bad.
>> Yeah for the 10 million people that can't find work.
> This is America!  The only people who can't find work are those who
> are too lazy, right?
> We're damn lucky we're not worse off, IMO.  Cut taxes and increase
> spending?  Yesh, sounds like a good idea to me!  And it works, see!
> Or it would have, had we given it more of a chance.
> Because people at the top generally don't want to be at the top all
> alone.  They want to bring the masses up with 'em.  That's why Bush43
> was such a good thing for this country.
> I thought about working for Google when they "looked me up", so to
> speak.  Even be they scary.  If there was a 'burque branch, I'd have
> gone for it, probably...  I need more loot, like many others.
> Heh.  Work.  ...  Do you think that the New Deal was a scam too, Sam?
> Some history books say it was Good, but you know how history books
> are.  It's one way of employing people tho, that's for sure!  (history
> book writing, that is)
>>> Fer realz?
>>> Who's wearing the goggles again?
>> I guess you're job is safe, do you work for the
> Government?  Sorta.  Back when I was on "soft" money (which I was for
> almost a decade IIRC, and never assured for more than a year),
> totally.  I work for the university, but my pay comes from Continuing
> Education, which is self-sustaining.
> I'm job "safe" because I work for way less than I'm "worth".  I think
> this is a Bad Thing for other people who do what I do though.  And not
> really a Good Thing for me either, as there's been conflict, and I now
> have a wife and a kid to support (and the medical bills are killing
> me.  That crap stacks up fast, even with "great" insurance.).
> It's hard for me to put value on my knowledge tho.  I love this
> profession, it's not like "work" to me.  Sure it's been years and
> years of learning stuff (hands on, woohoo!), but I've loved every
> minute of it (well, besides the office politics of the last 5 years or
> so.  The work itself has been a blast.).  It's just *sooo* hard for me
> to bill at market rates with a straight face (even these market rates
> =]).
> Really tho, I'm a bad ass tech guru.  That's why I have job security.
> Not in *a* job, but *the* job.  If anything, working with/for the
> government has held me back professionally.  I didn't mind, as I was
> doing child care stuff and whatnot, and felt good about what I did,
> but now there's a whole team and I'm not needed like I was...
> Really I feel like it's time I did my own thing, but I'm tied to my
> insurance, and then there's retirement (I'm 3/5ths in)...  ah well.
> Somehow I'll swing it all.  Because I believe I can.
> And this is...
> AMERICA!  Fuck yeah!
> Course, I'd feel that way no matter where I live, theoretically.  I
> was raised that way. "We can do it (and if not, I'll do it)!".
> I do love our country tho, and don't think it's in the shitter any
> more than it usually is.  I'm certainly not in the mood for revolution
> because of this health care bill, or our deficit.  Other stuff, sure!
> (I'm always up for a good revolution)... but not this.
> Damn.  Should have ended it on the "Fuck yeah!", that had a real
> end-of-post ring to it.  Oh well.  Fix it in post-production.
> :Den "the historian" Oner
> --
> From suc

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