On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 7:20 AM, Sam wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:42 PM, denstar wrote:
>>> And now it's worse because of what he started? Which he didn't start.
>>> He just made it evil so now it's progressively more evil because of
>>> him?
>> It's always been Evil.  Bush43 used FUD to push through, or get away
>> with, a whole grip of Evil though.
> Do you see your bias yet or do we need to keep drilling?

The problem is that the scenarios are not "equal".  Although *both* do
Bad Things, that doesn't make them the "same".

>> Your solution is laughable.  Laughter is good for the heart!
> You do know there are cameras everywhere these days, ATMS, credit card
> transactions. Not easy to stay under the radar anymore. Funny part is
> Google is probably your second favorite company in the world.

Heh.  Reminds me of this Matlock episode where the murder had his
secretary get a photo speeding ticket while wearing a mask of his
face, providing his alibi.

Look dude, we can *easily* /fake/ DNA now.  Manufacture it to appear
to be from whatever person we want.  You knew that, right?  There's a
test to see if DNA has been manufactured, but it's not used by any law
enforcement agencies as yet.

More and more, it's going to be about *using* information, vs. its
*availability*.  We're already there, actually.  I mean, why would
*any* evidence be inadmissible, otherwise?

You seem to be saying that we should just (indeed, can *only*) "trust"
the watchers.  I disagree.

If anything, we need *more* checks on that power, not /less/.

Google scares the crap out of me.

>>> Bush didn't have to say it because he had a plan and it worked. Glad
>>> you're happy with a Change for 5% to 10% unemployment.
>> Is this statement similar to the one about McCarthy?  "They /were/
>> spies" and "he had a plan and it /worked/"?
> Only if you use opinionated hash.

I like hash that agrees with me.  And hash that doesn't.  Ah hell- I
just like hash, period.  Hash-marks, hash-ish, hash-browns...

Seriously tho; saying that McCarthy was actually an OK dude, unfairly
slandered by a rival politician*... seems like a bit of a stretch.

Saying Bush43 was no worse than the rest is a similar stretch, IMHO.

*and "liberal" or "left leaning" history book writers

>> He had a plan alright, and it seems to have worked.  He and his
>> friends are doing better than ever.
> I think all ex-presidents are doing quit well. As are there friends.
> But if you're running with the ole GOP = big Corps and they all
> fleeced the country then I think you need to look at the banks, Wall
> Street and the Dems to see who really raped us.

Who really raped us?  Those at the top, of course!  Been that way for
ever and ever.  That's not a party deal.

What do you think about the "Citizens United v. Federal Election
Commission" SC ruling?

>> "We the people" tho... no so much.  Crappy plan in regards to the rest
>> of us, IMHO.
> We were all  doing well until dopenchange guy kneecapped the country.
> Did I mention he said expect un-employment to hover around 10% for a
> long time. How is that Bush's fault again?

So you think that it's Obama's fault, and the fault of this health
care legislation?

Did Bush43 leave Obama with a surplus he mishandled or some such?

I bet that's what happened! The lefty media just spun this whole story
about massive debt prior to Obama taking office out of nothing, and
now that's what people think happened.  In reality things were "fine,
just fine" before Obama took office (then), but since he has been at
the helm (now)-- man the country is in the crapper!

Who's fault is it, that we're more than ankle-deep in debt?  A
specific individual? Congress?  Us?

Eh.  We'll be back.  It's what we do.

Maybe that Oil money from the war will start to come in soon.

>> That was a once in a lifetime exception, like banning assault weapons.
> You do remember that ban was a scam? We covered right hear on HOF.

Was I "here"?  I don't remember it.  Unless it was some discussion
about the PBS special on Clinton, perhaps?

That Clinton guy knew how to get stuff done, scams or no.

>> It's The Right that "gets stuff done" due to their unity, is what I
>> was implying.
>> Mostly it *is* shit, but still.  At least they're consistent.  :)p
> What's been getting done?

I think we're still backwards on who gets what done, but to clarify,
the Right has gotten a lot done with, I suspect, lesser numbers of
folk than the Left.  I know surveys and such say that it's like 50/50
or something close, but I think Lefties are under-reported by their
very nature.

>>> That's pretty stupid, you just demonstrated the opposite to be true.
>>> You admit being duped like a cult follower and yet you mock the masses
>>> for not seeing the light.
>> I was duped?  I haven't been surprised in years, man.  It's a curse.
> Opps sorry, I thought you knew.

I never thought Obama was Ron Paul.  I didn't expect him to give back
all the power Bush43 has usurped.  Hoped, maybe, but definitely not

>>>> Taking us to war on false pretenses?  Not so much.
> We've been over that and the entire Bush lied people died slogan was
> proven bogus. You need to let go of the TPM sound bites. Read about
> the issue and update your thoughts.

Stuff was proven, but I don't think proven bogus.

Unless it's a conspiracy!  I'm always up for a good conspiracy.

What's TPM?  M == Media?

>> You're saying you think it is OK to lie though?
> I'm saying Biden lied not Bush, yet you're mad at Bush. The DNC is good.
>> If health care reform was a "made up" need, like going to war, I'd be pissed.
> It is. Get mad.

Ha!  So needing to go to war /was/ a lie!  Damn, another conspiracy
bites the dust.  Oh well- I still did my part, and kept buying stuff.

> We could have used reform, but in a different way. Everything about
> the current bill is a lie to steal power and money. As for the war, it
> was a bi-partisan war. Be mad at everybody.

Reform is reform.  It's an ongoing process.  This was vetted a lot
better than the war was, and people weren't rebounding from a terror

You are right though.  "Everybody" was together for a bit there,
presenting a united front; t'was both beautiful and horrendous at the
same time.

Bush43, as an individual, had a real opportunity to do something
amazing there.  What a waste of a united front.

>> Then:  things were good.  Now: thing are bad.
> Yeah for the 10 million people that can't find work.

This is America!  The only people who can't find work are those who
are too lazy, right?

We're damn lucky we're not worse off, IMO.  Cut taxes and increase
spending?  Yesh, sounds like a good idea to me!  And it works, see!
Or it would have, had we given it more of a chance.

Because people at the top generally don't want to be at the top all
alone.  They want to bring the masses up with 'em.  That's why Bush43
was such a good thing for this country.

I thought about working for Google when they "looked me up", so to
speak.  Even be they scary.  If there was a 'burque branch, I'd have
gone for it, probably...  I need more loot, like many others.

Heh.  Work.  ...  Do you think that the New Deal was a scam too, Sam?
Some history books say it was Good, but you know how history books
are.  It's one way of employing people tho, that's for sure!  (history
book writing, that is)

>> Fer realz?
>> Who's wearing the goggles again?
> I guess you're job is safe, do you work for the

Government?  Sorta.  Back when I was on "soft" money (which I was for
almost a decade IIRC, and never assured for more than a year),
totally.  I work for the university, but my pay comes from Continuing
Education, which is self-sustaining.

I'm job "safe" because I work for way less than I'm "worth".  I think
this is a Bad Thing for other people who do what I do though.  And not
really a Good Thing for me either, as there's been conflict, and I now
have a wife and a kid to support (and the medical bills are killing
me.  That crap stacks up fast, even with "great" insurance.).

It's hard for me to put value on my knowledge tho.  I love this
profession, it's not like "work" to me.  Sure it's been years and
years of learning stuff (hands on, woohoo!), but I've loved every
minute of it (well, besides the office politics of the last 5 years or
so.  The work itself has been a blast.).  It's just *sooo* hard for me
to bill at market rates with a straight face (even these market rates

Really tho, I'm a bad ass tech guru.  That's why I have job security.
Not in *a* job, but *the* job.  If anything, working with/for the
government has held me back professionally.  I didn't mind, as I was
doing child care stuff and whatnot, and felt good about what I did,
but now there's a whole team and I'm not needed like I was...

Really I feel like it's time I did my own thing, but I'm tied to my
insurance, and then there's retirement (I'm 3/5ths in)...  ah well.
Somehow I'll swing it all.  Because I believe I can.

And this is...

AMERICA!  Fuck yeah!

Course, I'd feel that way no matter where I live, theoretically.  I
was raised that way. "We can do it (and if not, I'll do it)!".

I do love our country tho, and don't think it's in the shitter any
more than it usually is.  I'm certainly not in the mood for revolution
because of this health care bill, or our deficit.  Other stuff, sure!
(I'm always up for a good revolution)... but not this.

Damn.  Should have ended it on the "Fuck yeah!", that had a real
end-of-post ring to it.  Oh well.  Fix it in post-production.

:Den "the historian" Oner

>From such crooked wood as that which man is made of, nothing straight
can be fashioned.

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