On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:42 PM, denstar <valliants...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> And now it's worse because of what he started? Which he didn't start.
>> He just made it evil so now it's progressively more evil because of
>> him?
> It's always been Evil.  Bush43 used FUD to push through, or get away
> with, a whole grip of Evil though.

Do you see your bias yet or do we need to keep drilling?

> Your solution is laughable.  Laughter is good for the heart!

You do know there are cameras everywhere these days, ATMS, credit card
transactions. Not easy to stay under the radar anymore. Funny part is
Google is probably your second favorite company in the world.

>> Bush didn't have to say it because he had a plan and it worked. Glad
>> you're happy with a Change for 5% to 10% unemployment.
> Is this statement similar to the one about McCarthy?  "They /were/
> spies" and "he had a plan and it /worked/"?

Only if you use opinionated hash.

> He had a plan alright, and it seems to have worked.  He and his
> friends are doing better than ever.

I think all ex-presidents are doing quit well. As are there friends.
But if you're running with the ole GOP = big Corps and they all
fleeced the country then I think you need to look at the banks, Wall
Street and the Dems to see who really raped us.

> "We the people" tho... no so much.  Crappy plan in regards to the rest
> of us, IMHO.

We were all  doing well until dopenchange guy kneecapped the country.
Did I mention he said expect un-employment to hover around 10% for a
long time. How is that Bush's fault again?

> That was a once in a lifetime exception, like banning assault weapons.

You do remember that ban was a scam? We covered right hear on HOF.

> It's The Right that "gets stuff done" due to their unity, is what I
> was implying.
> Mostly it *is* shit, but still.  At least they're consistent.  :)p

What's been getting done?

>> That's pretty stupid, you just demonstrated the opposite to be true.
>> You admit being duped like a cult follower and yet you mock the masses
>> for not seeing the light.
> I was duped?  I haven't been surprised in years, man.  It's a curse.

Opps sorry, I thought you knew.

>>> Taking us to war on false pretenses?  Not so much.

We've been over that and the entire Bush lied people died slogan was
proven bogus. You need to let go of the TPM sound bites. Read about
the issue and update your thoughts.

> You're saying you think it is OK to lie though?

I'm saying Biden lied not Bush, yet you're mad at Bush. The DNC is good.

> If health care reform was a "made up" need, like going to war, I'd be pissed.

It is. Get mad.
We could have used reform, but in a different way. Everything about
the current bill is a lie to steal power and money. As for the war, it
was a bi-partisan war. Be mad at everybody.

> Then:  things were good.  Now: thing are bad.

Yeah for the 10 million people that can't find work.

> Fer realz?
> Who's wearing the goggles again?

I guess you're job is safe, do you work for the

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