People like me? Really? And what kind of person am I? You wouldn't have the
first clue.

In this particular case, there are relatively few facts behind the
"Birther's" claims, all of which have been refuted by multiple sources, both
in the media and by the Government of Hawaii. There's nothing left but to
continue to beat the dead horse.

Those that continue to believe in the whole "Birther" conspiracy are made to
look the fool now because they are fools. There was, at one point, a viable
doubt that warranted attention, but that time has long since played out.

Many on this list are also extreme righties, blind to facts just the same as
the extreme lefties, though the facts they are blind to differ.

The only differences between Conservatives and Liberals are:
1) which rights they want to take from the people
2) which economic segment of the population they want to give tax breaks to
vs. which segment they want to raise taxes on
3) how they want to spend the tax revenue.

An overly simplistic view perhaps, but that's what it all seems to boil down

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Sam <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 5:22 PM, morgan l <> wrote:
> >
> > But that's the gist of the whole 'birther' argument--that this was a
> > conspiracy to get Obama into the White House. And it is stupid. But
> people
> > believe it, and you spout their beliefs like you're one of those that do.
> I
> > can't say if you do or not, but you certainly argue the point as though
> you
> > do.
> That was never the argument, that's the straw-man pushed by people
> like you to discredit them.
> > You want to simply take the Devil's Advocate side of the debate, that's
> all
> > well and good. I do that a bit myself, especially if I'm in a particular
> > mood and can muster up a good religious debate. But most of the stuff you
> > post doesn't come across as that. Most of it comes across as you
> parroting
> > the Conservative talking heads--right down to you simply posting
> copy-paste
> > jobs from their websites sometimes.
> I am not a Birther. I read up on what they have to say when they're
> made the fool. I then explain the facts behind there reasoning. I do
> believe he was born in Hawaii and I'm almost certain he's eligible to
> be president. I do find it curious that he plays the game as if he's
> hiding something and I'd like to know what. Theory is to keep them
> asking because the press makes them out to be nutters.
> > It dawned on me about a month ago that you stoke these debates not
> because
> > you believe all of that which you post, but because you enjoy the affect
> it
> > has on certain people. Maybe I'm reading too much between the lines, I
> don't
> > know. But I wouldn't be surprised by it.
> Many on this list are extreme lefties and can't tolerate people that
> are not. I hope that hitting them hard with facts often enough will
> enlighten them. It worked with Gruss.

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