On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 5:42 PM, morgan l <greyk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > People like me? Really? And what kind of person am I? You wouldn't have
> the
> > first clue.
> The kind of person that uses talking points with wild accusations to
> discredit others. I think it's from the Alinsky book. I don't need to
> know anything about you since I just witnessed you doing it.

I used hyperbole for exaggerated effect. Not quite the same thing.

And I have no idea who Alinsky is, and I don't really care. I suspect that
is an attempt to discredit what I say as not even being my opinion, but
rather a copy-cat version of some liberal talking head.

> > In this particular case, there are relatively few facts behind the
> > "Birther's" claims, all of which have been refuted by multiple sources,
> both
> > in the media and by the Government of Hawaii. There's nothing left but to
> > continue to beat the dead horse.
> Now your glossing over it without even addressing any of the still
> outstanding issues.

There aren't any outstanding issues. If there were any real evidence that
Obama had not been born in Hawaii, the Republican party would have been all
over it, and the Supreme Court--the slightly right-leaning Supreme
Court--would have heard one of the many, many cases brought before it.

That neither of those happened is enough evidence that there is no actual
evidence to support the position of the "Birthers."

> Those that continue to believe in the whole "Birther" conspiracy are made
> to
> > look the fool now because they are fools. There was, at one point, a
> viable
> > doubt that warranted attention, but that time has long since played out.
> They were shamed, they still have legitimate questions that deserve
> answers but are ridiculed if they ask. Seems to me like a strange way
> to run a country. Every other president stepped up and provided the
> info. It would take one phone call to end all the lawyers fees.

See above: there are no remaining legitimate questions; they simply don't
believe the answers the Republicans themselves give and so ask the same old
questions repeatedly. I'm reminded of an Einstein quote here.

> > Many on this list are also extreme righties, blind to facts just the same
> as
> > the extreme lefties, though the facts they are blind to differ.
> There aren't any extreme righties on this list. It's sad that you
> think so. It also shows that you must be an extreme lefty to think
> run-of-the-mill conservatives are extreme righties.

There may not be any true extreme righties on the list, but you sure do play
one to the hilt.

Oh yeah, I'm an extreme lefty. Sure. This extreme lefty supports conceal
and/or open carry laws and is against gun control. But I'm still an extreme
lefty. Whatever you want to believe there.

> The only differences between Conservatives and Liberals are:
> > 1) which rights they want to take from the people
> > 2) which economic segment of the population they want to give tax breaks
> to
> > vs. which segment they want to raise taxes on
> > 3) how they want to spend the tax revenue.
> Nooooo! Not another "I'm in the center and all others are extremist"
> person!
> I think we need to form another label for your group. Centramentalists...
> center extremist.. I'll need to think about it.

Oh no, I'm not in the center, I just hate both sides of that equation. I
also hate labels and pigeon holes. And taxes, bigots and wanna-be theocrats.
And bad drivers.

> > An overly simplistic view perhaps, but that's what it all seems to boil
> down
> > to.
> So you know it's simplistic yet you still post it? I guess if your
> going to be proud of something be proud of whatever you got ;)

It was my overly-simplified view of what politics is these days.

And I'll gladly concede Jerry's minor editorial changes.

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