Because taking out a tape measure to determine what distance is
acceptable is asking an unanswerable question. How does one arrive at
that? It's being obnoxious. My response was 4 blocks just to point out
that a mosque was already there and it had nothing to do with
intolerance to Muslims as a whole.

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> Just observing. You can actually come across as a reasonable person
> once in a while. The problem is that when someone calls you on
> something, instead of answering in a reasonable manner, you get into
> the personal attacks. I think your exchange with Scott is a good
> example. You stated that 4 blocks is a minimum distance for the
> mosque. Scott asked why 4 blocks and not three. Instead of replying
> with a reasoned response you began with the personal attacks on him.
> The end result is that a lot more hysteria was generated on your part.
> If you had explained why 4 blocks was reasonable all that sturm and
> drang would not have been needed. No other insults would have been
> generated either way. And most importantly you would have come off
> sounding (and acting) like a reasonable person, instead of a wild eyed
> fanatic.

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