Finally the guy I'm parroting put my words in print.

I knew what he was going to tell me to say you see.
I just wish I could have said it as well as he does.


Indeed, listening to all of this talk about “crowd” politics from
liberals these days, you get the distinct impression that there are a
lot of 20-something liberal bloggers, MSNBC talk-show hosts, and
newspaper editorial writers who honestly believe that they are not
only better than theAmerican public but that they are in fact the duly
anointed conscience of this, our embarrassingly backward and bigoted
nation. They must stand ever vigilant, lest America’s deep reservoirs
of hatred and bigotry burst their levees and spill out through the
sluices of the Republican Party.

 How does this river of hate manifest itself? The supposedly
anti-Muslim 70 percent of Americans who don’t like the idea of
building the Cordoba House near Ground Zero mostly also believe the
owners have the right to do it if they can’t be persuaded otherwise.
Wow, that’s some crackdown on Muslims.

In any decent society, tolerance must work both ways. If the majority
is expected to show respect for a minority, the minority must also
show some tolerance for the valuesof the majority. I’m no strict
majoritarian –  one with right on his side is the majority as far as
I’m concerned. But this isn’t a clear-cut issue of right and wrong.
It’s more complicated than that. It’s about deference and decency and
common sense. And oneof the things common sense should tell us is that
it is not only unfair but terribly ill-advised to portray 7 out of 10
Americans as bigots when they are a

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