Very understandable. Now one suggestion if I may, look at what you are
thinking at that point, and the words you are using. I'm not going to
play psychotherapist or anything like that. But one thing the data are
very clear on is the relationship between what and how we are thinking
and subsequent actions. Absolutist thinking leads to very rigid
thinking and behavior. We get into a pattern of behavior and it
becomes very difficult to break out of. I think that it is happening
with many of us and how we are reacting on this list. Myself included.

One exercise that think that can help is to practice some cognitive
dissonance. Write a couple of paragraphs presenting the arguments from
the other side. And they have to be convincing ones. Aside from
helping to break out of the habitual thinking we tend to get into this
exercise has another purpose. It allows you to strengthen your own

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> Points taken. I was being attacked and ridiculed from all sides and
> became very short fused.
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> 
> wrote:
>> You had made a very definitive statement when stating a distance, but
>> could not supply a reason. Just hostility.
>> Instead what I am suggesting is that when confronted with that sort of
>> counter, look at your reasons why. For instance if it the response was
>> "it feels better, I'm more comfortable with it." That's a more
>> reasonable response and much more acceptable to other than what you
>> displayed.Chances are it would have been accepted etc than your actual
>> response to the question, which generated insults flying back and
>> forth when it was never necessary.
>> I know I've been more than just a bit guilty in doing so myself. I am
>> trying to change such with this part of the thread by making more
>> constructive comments, and trying to change the tone of the
>> conversation to something more positive.

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