"And somehow the Bush administration missed all that when they sent him out
to engage is dialog with Muslim countries on behalf of the US?"

So what?  At one time, the US funded Osama Bin Laden in his fight against
the USSR.

"Maybe I'm totally wrong though and he is really a secret fundamentalist who
has just been broadly advocating for peace and tolerance for all these years
as a clever disguise for his true purpose."

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.  Here is one interpretation of Rauf's book.  It
is not my opinion, but I find it interesting.

Rauf’s book has two different titles, one for non-Muslims and one for

In English, it is called What’s Right With Islam: A New Vision For Muslims
and the West.

But in Muslim-ruled Malaysia — a country whose language Rauf knows well
since he has spent a great deal of time there — the book was published as A
Call To Prayer From the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart
of America Post-9/11.

The word “rubble” stands out. It means wreckage reduced to rubbish. Trash.

An Islamic call to prayer is made by a muezein, the Muslim who ritually
calls the faithful to prayer. The muezein issues his call from a tall
minaret, high above the rest of the world. Now we get an image of Rauf in
the position of a muezein standing tall in his fifteen-story mosque looking
down at the rubble of the World Trade Center, the buildings reduced to
rubbish by his own religious group (although he has denied that Muslims
perpetrated the 9/11 attacks).

The image is of conquest — Islam over the West. If Rauf is indeed a “bridge
builder,” as he calls himself, we must question where the bridge is going.
Is it towards Islamic dominance over non-Muslims?



Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms those entrusted with
power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny -
Thomas Jefferson on gov

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