a viable alternative might actually be an interesting conversation.

But as things are right now, you do not need ID to register to vote.
You know that, right? So the rolls do not require ID. What we're
talking about here is whether you should need to show ID to prove you
are *that* person who is on the list. (and also incidentally about the
integrity of the list, but ok, let's call that a separate problem).

I think you are assuming a lot of things about what I think is ok. I'm
just telling you what is, dude.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> how do you figure that?
> Without ID, there is no purpose to keeping rolls.  But I suspect you
> are okay with that too.
> I'd be all for dipping your thumb in ink, except that everyone isn't
> currently allowed to vote in the US.  There has to be *some* way to
> tell who is and who isn't.
> I mean, if we are talking about changing the system so that everyone
> is allowed to vote, that's a different conversation entirely.  But as
> long as some folks are and some folks aren't you have to be able to
> tell them apart somehow.  If you have another alternative beyond
> identification, I'd be curious to hear it.
> -Cameron
> ...

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