Church should not have sway over individual rights.

Some churches do not permit blood transfusions. Should people die as a

Where health is concerned, what a church wants or does not want is
immaterial. The person's health concerns take precedence.

But discussing that may be another thread.

Don't remember seeing you on the list before...Hi! *waves* :-)

On 5 March 2012 16:22, <> wrote:

> No.  That's not what this debate is about.  The debate is about whether or
> not the government can force a religious institution to do things that are
> against the moral tenets of the religion.  In other words, is the first
> amendment worth the parchment its written on?  This administration doesn't
> think it is.
> You are correct that thus debate has been taken over by politics.  Like the
> democrats holding a congressional hearing that to allow people like this
> student to bring up points that have nothing to do with the original issue
> of church vs state.
> Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless

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