> The arrest should not have happened.

Agreed, though from the information presented the arresting officer
did his job properly.  The information in the system was incorrect
which led the officer to take an action that was justified given the
information he had available to him at the time.  If the system that
manages their fines and the paid/outstanding status of those fines had
accurate information, the entire chain of events would have been
broken.  Yes, it is unfortunate that sometimes innocent people are
arrested for things they didn't do or for the wrong reasons.  In my
opinion, that is what needs to be fixed.  Once you get to the next
step it's already too late, in my opinion.

> The strip search should not have happened.
> Being jailed should not have happened.

Those are really part of the same step, not generally separate tasks.
Being strip searched is part of the process of being booked into jail
in most counties as a standard procedure.  If you get to the point of
being booked into jail and sent into general population, I do not
believe a strip search is unreasonable for the safety of the jail
staff, contractors, and other inmates.

> The transfer to PRISON should not have happened.
> The second strip search should not have happened.

>From the article, he was not sent to prison, but was transferred from
one county jail to another.  Part of the intake process, as noted
above, involved a strip search.  It doesn't matter if you're coming
from the street or being transferred from another jail, they will
search you at intake.  Prisons are for those who have been sentenced
to (generally) more than a year and are usually separate from county

> I am flabbergasted that this is acceptable in America.

In this case the individual was a victim of circumstance.  Yes, he was
innocent, but the arresting officer and the staff at the two jails did
not know that at the time and followed standard procedure for arrest,
booking, and intake into general population.  If they did a better job
of keeping their fine records updated then none of this would have
happened in the first place.  That, in my opinion, is where his legal
efforts should have been directed.


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