Judah, are you saying that nobody should be strip searched when they go to
jail? Because, as fervently as I would like to avoid this happening to me,
I think I disagree.  Jail is a dangerous place and body orifices classic
smuggling tactics. I don't think a metal detector is reliable here (anyone
know for sure?)

If you're saying this particular man should not have been strip-searched, I
am not sure. Apparently he was in jail for a week, presumably because he
couldn't straighten the situation out or pay the fine a second time. That's
a different situation than Occupy protesters being processed. If it was a
matter of keeping him until someone arrived with the bail, no, I don't
think they should have strip-searched him. Jails have holding cells.

I keep hearing on the radio that he was "repeatedly" strip searched. Not
sure what that was about, but it doesn't sound right either.

On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > You are misunderstanding my words. The legal offense on the dude's
> > part was (supposedly) not paying a fine. Hence the warrant. The court
> > ruled that even something as mild as not paying a fine (which is
> > illegal) still will result in the same behavior at the jail as if the
> > guy had been, say, picked up on a weapons and drugs charge.
> I think it's fair to say "not paying a fine should not land you in jail".
>  IMO there are ***LOTS*** of things that will land you in jail that should
> not.  But that's not what this ruling is about. At. All.
> However.... Once you're in jail, all bets are off.
> It's critical for the safety of everyone - other inmates, corrections
> officers, etc, that each and every prisoner be searched for weapons or
> other dangerous materials on the way in.
> I think you are arguing the wrong point here. Argue that this
> guy should not have been in jail and I'd be interested in hearing more
> about why he was sent there. Arguing that inmates should not be checked for
> weapons doesn't make sense to me at all.
> -Cameron
> ...

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