My dad was a flaming radical. The last political he actively supported
before he died was Hilary Clinton.  I've seen him go toe to toe with
people twice his size over his opposition to the death penalty.

Using your yardstick, that would make those position worthy of evaluation.

I look at the websites of each announced candidate and support those I
can stomach.  I can live with Romney or Obama given the current
choice.  I am not happy with either, and will give no support beyond
my vote for whomever I choose.  They are both liars to the core, and I
truly wish for another choice.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:09 PM, GMoney <> wrote:
> I have what I call my "Dad" rule. Every one should have a similar rule.
> My dad is a staunch conservative. Has been for as long as I've known him.
> Votes republican. This go 'round, he was supporting Santorum. Now he will
> vote for Romney.

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