You might find this David Brin blog posting interesting then. It would
be interesting if you tried some of his wager suggestions with your
father next time you two discuss politics.

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 4:09 PM, GMoney <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Maureen <> wrote:
>> And I repeat, even thought I am sure it is a waste of time,  all of
>> those candidates have supporters and contributors in your group of
>> "decent people".  If they did not they would not have won any
>> primaries or election.   Not everyone who vote for a candidate does so
>> because they don't like the opponent.  Santorum, Romney and Obama all
>> have rabid supporters.  Are you denying that?
> I have what I call my "Dad" rule. Every one should have a similar rule.
> My dad is a staunch conservative. Has been for as long as I've known him.
> Votes republican. This go 'round, he was supporting Santorum. Now he will
> vote for Romney.
> My dad is the most decent person I've ever met, or will ever hope to met.
> He has precisely ZERO enemies. Has never had one. If you had a problem with
> my dad, it was your problem...and everyone knew it. He doesn't have an
> indecent bone in his body.
> My dad is not a genius, but he's a smart guy..and he's lived and
> experienced a lot in his 82 years. My dad is also incapable of telling a
> lie. And if you asked him, he'd tell you, in his experience, he honestly
> believes that SOME..not all...but SOME of the core conservative values that
> most Republicans adhere too, are the best way to help the most people in
> this country. Period.
> I do no agree with my dad, necessarily. But every single time I hear people
> put down conservatives as evil or ignorant or not to be trusted or any
> other such thing...i invoke my "Dad Rule": The best, most sincere person on
> earth thinks it's pretty good. So it deserves my study and my
> respect....even as I may disagree with it.
> Everyone should have a similar rule that centers around someone in their
> life that they love and trust, who believes differently than them on an
> important matter.

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