Every single proposal for a national sales tax excludes food.  Gas and
cigarettes already heavily taxed.

Addicts will likely buy cigarettes regardless of how mad they are at
the government.

However, everyone will pay the sales tax, including all of those in
the black market economy who currently reap the benefits without
paying at all, and the uber rich who will no longer be able to benefit
from hiding their income.

On Sat, Jun 9, 2012 at 10:28 PM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Disagree with you both on that one. Demand for some products is
> inelastic. You can be as angry as angry gets and you will still need
> to buy food, for example. Gas is a necessity in most rural areas as
> well as in some urban ones, for another. Addicts will still buy
> cigarettes no matter what, for a third.

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