"Their church has told them they should deny equal rights to gays, for some
reason or another."

There is definitely something to this.

Any sin makes a person unworthy of being in the presence of God.  So,
murdering a child, stealing a paper clip, or thinking about adultery all
exclude a person from heaven.

That is not to say these sins should be or are treated equally on earth.
 There are societal and personal consequences for actions.  That is, a
person may be forgiven by God for stealing a paper clip, but he might still
be fired.  A man might cheat on his wife and God will forgive him.
 However, the herpes he now has ain't going away.

It is interesting that some religious organizations have zeroed in on
homosexuality while seemingly ignoring adultery.

A study several years back found that the overall divorce rate of the US is
50%.  You want to guess what the divorce rate of those who claim to be
Christians was?

It was 50% as well.  Maybe some of these churches should concentrate on
healing marriages in general.

Or maybe they should stop those who are stealing paper clips.

" If they'd just ask the age old question "WWJD", things would clear up

This came from a book published in 1897 named "In His Steps - What Would
Jesus Do?"  It is the 9th best selling book of all times.



When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any
of the growing evils, but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost
principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil -

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